Friday, August 14, 2020

Republican and Independent running in District 88 Florida House

General election

The primary will occur on August 18, 2020. Lake Worth City Commissioner, Omari Hardy, is running in this Primary as a Democrat. He will be making around the same amount of money, $29,697/year. The general election will occur on November 3, 2020.

Danielle Madsen, Republican and Rubin Anderson, Independent are running in the general election for Florida House of Representatives District 88 on November 3, 2020.


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Danielle Madsen (R)

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Rubin Anderson (Independent)


  1. When was the primary cancelled? I have a sample ballot and folks have done early voting. Ballotpedia also shows the primary as on for Tuesday.

  2. Oh, I get it now, sometimes these guys play a little game with you, Rubin is likely a pawn for the dem vote. They know this that is they have Rubin, who likely is a friend of omari or the other guy jaquets, he is just the pawn so that then one of them will win no matter what. They just want the dems to win, so maybe it is better to vote for Madsen. There are always a lot of games like this with politicians, it has happened before, so it would not surprise me if he is just there to help al or omari.

  3. Not the entire Primary---sorry if I was misleading here.
    Danielle Madsen and Rubin Anderson are running in the general election for Florida House of Representatives District 88 on November 3, 2020.

  4. Forgive me for this blog. I updated it. I thought Anderson was a Republican. I must have associated his last name with mine and I am a Republican.
    So Madsen a Republican is running in this general election and Anderson as an Independent is running. I really like Rubin Anderson's background.

  5. Actually at 1:01, you might have something there! He used to be a Democrat but then, so did I.

  6. Lynn, I bet if you investigate, Anderson knows very well, either friends or schoolmates and is doing this to either help al or omari, they do things like this a lot here in PBC, I have seen it before, they do it to win, it is the dems approach to make sure they win, I think anderson is only doing it to help the dem ticket, period, so won't vote for him or any dems at all. So down on all these liberal left crazies!

  7. @5:52...beginning to think you might have something there. After looking into him a little, I can't see where he's raised any money. Will check. That will tell the tale.

  8. OK--just checked. He's only collected $1,790 and mostly from family members. He is not a serious candidate.
    Too bad. I got snookered.

  9. This happened in the recent past when jeff clemens was running for state house too, the dems did something similar like this to guarantee the dem win. They are very sneaky and dishonest. The dems really have sunk to an all time low in our country. This speaks volumes to both omari and al, they are not good people, thanks for investing and confirming what I suspected Lynn. You know how these people play! Sneaky! Hope the public is wise to their underhanded tactics.
