Friday, August 14, 2020

Republican and Independent running against Omari Hardy

UPDATE: After checking with the Division of Elections, I feel Mr. Anderson is NOT a serious candidate.

If Omari Hardy wins his Primary in District 88 (and he's done everything possible to do so),  this is one of the candidates he will be up against. The Republican Party cancelled its Primary in this race and Republican Danielle Madsen moves up, so there are two candidates going against one Democrat. Not good in a heavily Democrat county.

Read about Rubin Anderson, running as an Independent or NPA.



  1. So you have a choice in District 88--Omari the communist or Rubin who can make a difference.

  2. I will vote for Rubin then! WE do not need more racists!

    I went to Winn Dixie today on Dixie and the customer service lady there is another racist like Omari. I do not know why businesses hire people who are racist and hate white people. I won't go back to Winn Dixie either until they improve how we are treated there. Winn Dixie should not be hiring racist people!

  3. November 2nd can't come soon enough. He will be officially resigned.

  4. Rubin is a coward and playing a game for the dems to get his buddies al and or omari in, he cannot be trusted, would not never vote for him. What a real sneak! or snake!

  5. Yes, I now agree with this possibility.
