Sunday, August 30, 2020

Rasmussen Poll Shows Trump’s Favorability is SURGING

Rasmussen released a poll showing that President Donald Trump is just 1 point behind Democratic nominee Joe Biden — which probably means he’s actually ahead by five points.


  1. Woo hoo!

    I was going to go out of my way to vote but since Trump is killing Biden in the polls, I think I'm just going to stay home. Trump doesn't need my help and it's a pain in the butt to vote.

  2. you enjoy being a delinquent?

  3. Staying home is the same as voting for Biden. Every vote counts. Please don’t joke about this election. Kamala Harris running this country would be even worse than Hilary.

  4. Kamela says the rioting will never stop. She said this with that big dope fueled grin of hers. In doing so,she has outed the Dems as anarchist.

  5. I was hoping to convert a few dems to vote Trump. I had a couple friends who were on the fence. The good thing is, people like Biden, Hardy, and other dems have done the job for me.

    I hope they keep up the hate! Regular citizens are noticing.
