Sunday, August 30, 2020

Anarchists call Mayor of Portland a White Supremacist

Black Lives Matter/Antifa protesters chained themselves together in lobby of Portland's Mayor Ted Wheeler's condo

Riots still erupt in Portland

"The sit-in was part of a larger demonstration outside of Wheeler's apartment, where approximately 150 people gathered to protest police brutality and racial inequality."

So now it's escalating to private property. You are not safe in your home. Wheeler should have had all these people arrested. But he's a wimp. And guess what...residents called police but THE POLICE DID NOT RESPOND! :) 😀 That deserves a smiley face.

What did these criminals want?

The group demanded that Wheeler reduce the Portland Police Bureau budget, commit to never voting for police budget increases again, abolish the police bureau, and for the Democratic mayor to resign.

We would like to see the mayor resign for being an ineffective Democrat mayor who has allowed his city to go to ruin by criminals.

Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. Antifa is so stupid they don't know they'll be knifed in the back the minute their usefulness is over. Call the police then, idiots.
