Saturday, August 1, 2020

ISAIAS--Message from the City of Lake Worth (Beach)

We continue to monitor the storm with an estimated arrival time around 8pm this evening. Before the storm arrives you should have completed your preparations as it is dangerous to attempt to put up shutters or collect garden furniture once the high winds begin.

Please continue to watch for updates and follow the advice of the Governor and other officials.

City staff have been working hard to prepare the City in case the storm is to hit Lake Worth Beach. You can expect multiple information releases to come from the City before, during, and after the storm.

We are all in this together! We are Lake Worth


  1. Someone must have peaked out the window. It's a Tropical Storm for God's Sake. The winds don't exceed 35 miles an hour. Lets all try to deal with it without locking-down for a month.

  2. Seriously, if we don't stop letting the news media lead us around by the nose like this, we're in big trouble. First the virus, now a non-hurricane. People are paralyzed with fear!

  3. It's a gorgeous evening. This is the way I like my hurricanes.

  4. i have lived here since 1964 and know what it takes to be safe in a storm.driving around this morning and seeing all the trash cans out and debri in yards we need more info put out.dont forget there are 1000 people moving to fl all the time lets help our new neighbors a little so they can help in the future.the only shelf empty this morning was the t.p. aisle.

  5. I'm tired of government telling me what to do. Put my patio furniture away. Put up shutters. I'll do what I want, when I want and how I want. That hurricane was another hoax to get us all worried. It was nothing but rain. A bunch of fake news that everyone is worried about. When are we going to learn to ignore everything the government says?

  6. Why is this so different from getting ready for a major snow storm. You can't get out of your house for days, and sometimes can't get your car off the street for weeks when you are plowed in. If it is a heavy snow, your roof might cave in. You drive to work in black ice sometimes for months. If people don't know they have to pick up the trash in their yard, they shouldn't have a yard.

  7. The news media is bad, you have to take them in very small doses with storms, they over analyze and sensationalize all to the max. Isaias was a dud for us, wish we had gotten more rain from it, we need it to keep all greener.

    The local news weather people are adlibbing all and say so much that is not true. Like last night. This is the first early storm in August. Normally the peak is mid Sept. They say so much that is not true, sensationalize all too much. Watch 5 minutes and turn it off, watch a movie, other shows, or pray a rosary. The news today has really turned into a sensationalizing machine.

    You could tell by just looking at the radars they were showing last night that it was moving more east and staying away from the coast, the wind sheer pushed it away from land and that is what it did for us here. You can learn a lot and after 25 years of living through so many storms, you need to not let the local news make you crazy.

  8. Whoever wrote the Lake Worth Beach message, I would appreciate it if you would not make a statement like "We are all together, We are Lake Worth."

    First of all, it sounds stupid, and secondly, I would never be all together with anyone who couldn't write better than that.

    Alexa could probably come up with a better sounding phrase, and she's a robot.

  9. "If it bleeds, It leads"
    When they stopped showing spaghetti models, I suspected the MSM wanted hysteria to dominate the TV and newspaper headlines.
    Very fake news.
