Saturday, August 1, 2020

AOC, truly despicable

AOC blasts missionary who sacrificed life to help lepers in Hawaii

Calls Father Damien artifact of 'patriarchy and white supremacist culture'

The Kalaupapa National Historical Park in Hawaii honors the life of Father Damien, a Christian missionary who arrived in the islands when Hansen's disease – leprosy – was rampant.

Read the rest of the story...


  1. It is sad. Father did so much and died himself to help all the lepers. So sad.

    She and all of us need to read and practice all in Bob Goff's book, Everybody Always. WE just need to love all and see Jesus in all people and love all.

    There is so much hate and division in this world. People are so ignorant today, they ignore others, especially leaders and people in power, they ignore you and could care less what you think, or THE TRUTH.

    Read the book all, let's all love everybody always!

  2. Maybe AOC needs to spend more time with God and praying. Father Damien was a saint!
