Thursday, August 20, 2020

Biden, the Trojan Horse for Socialism

Trump Unleashes on Biden Ahead of DNC Convention: 'Trojan Horse for Socialism'

Speaking in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, the president hit Democrats hard, and likened Biden to an empty vessel which the party’s more radical wing would use to usher in an era of radical leftist policies. [WesternJournal]


  1. Psst.

    Steve Bannon got arrested this AM by the Feds.


  2. The ONLY platform the Democrats are running on is "Orange Man Bad".Have you seen a more depressing spectacle than the Democratic "convention" ? Republicans are the party of empowerment, hope and inclusion. The Democrats are the party of violence,racism,segregation and hate.

  3. @11:46..Bannon worked on the Trump Campaign for a total of 88 days until he was fired. Your point is?
    Just wait for the Durham Report to hit the streets.

  4. Who wants to see and hear from "Dr."Jill Bidet? First lady is not an office. She's all over the MSM and has nothing to do with anything.
