Thursday, August 20, 2020

Ballot Envelopes DO show Party Affiliation

Palm Beach County Confirms Video Showing Ballot Envelopes Displaying Party Affiliation

Do you recall the blog I put up on this situation on August 16? Well, all you Democrat doubters out there--It's all true--verified by the Supervisor of Elections.

"A video posted by a woman named Tina Brown went viral this week, featuring Brown examining two ballot return envelopes — one which belonged to her Democrat brother and the other which belonged to her, a Republican. The envelopes, she observed, actually revealed their party affiliations. A “D” appeared within a series of numbers near the bar code of her brother’s return envelope, and an “R” appeared in the series of numbers on hers."

So your vote is supposed to be protected. Nobody’s supposed to know what you’re voting for but yet they put ‘R’ right here and ‘D’ right there. So a postal person could see this if they’re a Democrat and say, “Oh that’s an R. Let’s toss it. Let’s just chuck it, and we’ll keep this one.”

While the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections confirmed the ballot return envelopes and their open party identification, it said the labels would not be there for general election ballot envelopes.

Read about it...


  1. So now we're assured? They couldn't even count all the mail in votes on time. Democrats will find any way possible to steal an election.

  2. OMG! A Republican postal clerk could see Democratic ballots and throw them out! Why don't they stop this? They're going to cheat to keep their people in!

  3. "It would be a federal crime for any post office employee to tamper with this process. " That certainly doesn't keep postal staff from stealing left and right.Tried to mail anything resembling a Birthday card lately? 90% it will get stolen. The Democrats are going to do ANYTHING to steal this election. Including mail fraud.Wonder how many "R" envelopes got thrown away this election.

  4. Fraud has been committed in the past and these envelopes need to be changed.
