Friday, July 24, 2020

The Cuban/Cruz Feud

Mark Cuban Questions Cruz’s ‘Balls.’ Cruz Asks Where Cuban’s Balls Are On Condemning China.

As Ted Cruz slammed Mark Cuban for summarily dismissing a radio host upset about Mavericks who might kneel for the national anthem, Cuban snapped that Cruz needs to have some “balls.”

Cruz fired back with a simple statement, considering the NBA’s overwhelming desire not to criticize Communist China: “Speaking of balls, tell us what you think about China.”

Read about Mark Cuban This is an on-going feud with Senator Cruz who is 100% right in this matter.

1 comment:

  1. Being right doesn't actually count for much. Think of all the times you've been right. Did it change anything. Cuban has his opinion, Cruz has his opinion. Right is in the eye of the beholder. When it comes to China, right won't change anything. They do what they want to do. If you want to go along fine. If not, they'll find someone who will. Big money has it's own moral code.
