Friday, July 24, 2020

Anarchists/Marxists taking hold of Liberal Cities

Portland Antifa and BLM Launch Explosives at Federal Building While Barricading Agents Inside

Right now, there is anarchy and evil across the country and most of the local governments all under Democrat leadership are doing little to nothing to stop them. If they're not going to and they're going to be derelict on their job, then it's time for the federal government to step in because right now, this is war on our country.

Read about it...


  1. My husband just said yesterday that he thinks the devil is taking over many people, and from seeing this, it looks like it is true. Please pray for an end to all this hate and violence.

  2. Kayleigh McEnaney Esq. pointed out that 3 Officers were blinded by lasers directed at their the Portland riots.
    It's time to stop the violence.
    Re-elect President Trump Nov. 3rd.
