Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The AG Barr Democrat Attack-"I thought I was supposed to be heard," said AG Barr

Barr: 'I Feel Complete Freedom to Do What I Feel Is Right'

That's all it was yesterday--a total disgusting embarrassment and Democrat fiasco that put the Trump administration on trial for just about everything. Why do we deserve these elected officials? The was about cancelling William Barr. Barr said he is not the wing-man (as Eric Holder was for Obama) for President Trump. As he said, "I follow the law."

Beginning around 11:30am--it was an attack against AG Willliam Barr by the Democrats in order to undermine President Trump. Democrats did not allow him to answer their questions. At 3:30pm, Nadler refused to give him a bathroom break saying he had one earlier but finally relented even though Barr had no lunch.

Of all the things that AG Barr said, I put this explanation as one of the top on my list, as many of the Democrats, particularly the Black ones, accused him of racism and as we all know, using the R word towards someone is about the worst slur of all:
In his testimony, he also downplayed accusations about systemic discrimination in policing across the country, saying it would "be an oversimplification to treat the problem as rooted in some deep-seated racism." He said, that he did not believe racism was a systemic problem in policing.

Committee Chairman of the Judiciary Jerry Nadler also excoriated Barr and the Justice Department for turning a blind eye to necessary reforms to police departments for dismissing Black Lives Matter protests and for flooding streets with federal agents to stop protesters.

Democrats are the only ones turning a blind eye to the truth and to the facts and why federal help was sent in to defend federal property.

This entire Democrats on the Judiciary Committee were rude beyond belief and condescending and this was nothing more than a nasty exercise leading up to the Democrat impeachment of AG Barr...well planned and well thought out to achieve that goal. You have to wonder why they want to present themselves to the American people in this hateful manner.

We need to reclaim our time for America


  1. Remember when Louie Gohmert banged on the table while a witness testified a few weeks ago?

    Good times.

  2. I watched it as sickening as it was. What are the Democrats trying to prove by being so outrageously stupid? Are they seeking love and support?

  3. Ag Barr knew what idiocy he was going to face.It was on full display for all to see. Still,it's always a surprise when the Democrats exceed the ignoramus quotient.

  4. Anyone with any education or intelligence should be able to see what the left is doing, in Portland, with BLM and antifa, all this hate and violence. I hope President Trump can continue to progress and do well. He is a very hard working man, one of the best and hardest working. He is not a do nothing politician like pelosi, schumer, nadler, waters and all these losers. Nixon one back in 1968 a a stand for law and order and I bet President Trump will win again too, smart people are tired of all the hate and lawlessness and do nothings, they see President Trump working so hard. We all need to applaud him more.
