Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Couple wears Swastika Mask in Walmart

Couple wearing swastika masks at Walmart confronted by other shoppers

You see about everything in Walmart. Every time I think about shopping there, I say "nawww." “If you vote for Biden, you’re going to be living in Nazi Germany,” the woman said. There are a lot of things I don't personally like and this mask is one of them but...

It's perfectly all right for Liberals, however, to cause destruction, mayhem and murder in our cities. Now liberals are going after what's written on your mask. How about Trump 2020 mask. Will that be next?


  1. Are you saying a Trump mask is like a Nazi mask? I mean, there are a lot of Democrats that would agree with that, don't get me wrong, but there is a certain negativity or vulgarity about Nazism, don't you think? Would you be okay if someone wore a mask that said "Burn The Jews?" on it?

  2. Yuck. What is this garbage?

  3. @4:53...Democrats love freedom of speech just so long as it's approved by them. In actuality, they don't believe in the First Amendment at all but they do approve of the violent protests of their base rioting in American cities and tearing down statutes, and even killing people saying it's their 1st amendment right. Total a-holes.

  4. Defending free speech. Don’t make liberal BS about it. And while you’re at it, stop all your anarchist friends committing criminal acts... their free speech is against the law.
