Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Seattle Councilwoman wants to fire White Police Officers

Seattle councilwoman proposes firing white officers

They truly are all nuts on the west coast of our country!

"Seattle City Council member Lisa Herbold has people in both parties rolling their eyes after she suggested firing Seattle police officers because they are white. While the proposal has its political allies, it has also been soundly criticized for seemingly violating federal law and Supreme Court precedent barring racial discrimination. The issue stems from the Seattle City Council’s pledge to cut the police budget in half, a move that would require the termination of a substantial number of police officers."

Read more of this farce...


  1. I keep tellin ya, blacks hate whites. That's the bottom line. They all should go out and get a job. Blacks are the racists.

  2. try telling omari that.

  3. Right, why don't they just fire all white police, teachers, nurses, firefighters, anyone of service to society. Right let all the people of color work more now.

  4. Society cannot function without brains.
