Saturday, July 11, 2020

Palm Beach County will consider Body Cameras for Deputies

P.B.County commission to consider body cameras for PBSO at cost of nearly $19 million

Well, Commissioner Omari Hardy of Lake Worth (Beach) ranted about it; now his wish might come through. Democrats always believe spending money that we don't have or adjusting from some other line item in our budget, is no problem. Or, in the case of Lake Worth (Beach) take out a loan to stay biggy.

Body cameras could hopefully protect our PBSO from superfluous charges. But it's a hell of a lot of $$$ to appease the cop haters. Sheriff Ric Bradshaw says he's all for body cameras if Palm Beach County wants to give him the money.

Read about body cameras...


  1. As I recall, Omari wanted to ask Ric Bradshaw instead of the county.

  2. Oh hell, that's a question for Hardy to answer. He says just get the Sheriff to adjust his big budget.

  3. Well, if they want all the cops to wear them, I think they should make all elected officials have to wear them too when they are in public!
