Saturday, July 11, 2020

Employees at Ford demand end of police car production

Employees Of Ford Motor Company Call For End Of Police Car Production

CEO Fires Back

"Demanding" anything of your employer is really outrageous. These people need to be grateful that they have a job that pays well with great benefits. You are hired to do a job and for doing that job, you get paid. You are not there to make political statements.

Manufacturing these police cars at Ford Motor Company, the second-largest U.S.-based automaker (behind General Motors) and the fifth-largest in the world, comprises 2/3rds of the police car market and keeps these workers employed.



  1. dont beleive this one.talked to a few workers there and they have not seen any questionair on this subject

  2. I don't see this happening; I think it's a Red Herring!

  3. @1:39 You talked to workers where? At the Ford production plant? At their HQ?
