Wednesday, July 1, 2020

New strain of the H1N1 Swine Flu Virus

Scientists Warn That Another Pandemic Could Be Emerging in China

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Tuesday that the United States needs to be watching this new strain emerging in China.

The last H1N1 or swine flu, lasted for about 19 months and killed around 284,000.



  1. Personally, I don't eat meat, and I think that's very sad for those animals.

    The least they could do is provide a decent environment for those animals while they are awaiting slaughter.

  2. at least china is warning us first

  3. Fauci and the WHO failed to report the Taiwan warning that the WUHAN virus was highly transmissible P to P and constantly changed recommendarions as to how to control it.
    Thank God 4 people are filing a suit against the PB County mask mandate.
    Dr Scott McGill a respected virologist was on OAN with Graham Ledger stating that masks interfere with normal breathing and create lack of sufficient oxygen for the lungs to fully function,disease rather than protect us and others from this Chinese Communist virus.Realize that FAUCi is ,according to Dr.McGill,tied at the hip to Bill Gates,who with him was in WUHAN researching a depopulation virus.

  4. Covid is losing ground too quickly. Heir Fauci and the rest of the globalists have to do something quickly to prevent this country from getting back on it's feet before the next election. They shot their Covid load prematurely.We didn't close for the last round of Swine flu and we won't close for this one.
