Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Fox Soul Cancels Farrakhan

Fox ‘Soul’ Cancels Anti-Semite Farrakhan’s July 4th ‘Message to America’

"Apparently under pressure, Fox Soul TV, a new streaming channel geared towards the African-American community, launched by the Fox Corporation, has cancelled an address scheduled for July 4th by notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan."

I sure hope Fox didn't cancel it because they were "under pressure" but rather used common sense. The question that should be asked is why did Fox even agree to air a disgusting Jew hater such as Louis Farrakhan to begin with--it boggles the imagination.

Read about it...


  1. Why agree to this anti Semite? Racism that is "systematic" among some blacks against people who did nothing to merit it.

  2. They did this for the publicity! Fox was foxy to use this. Otherwise nobody would have heard of fox soul.

  3. Well, he hates Hillary Clinton, so that's something in his favor.
