Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Government arrests Antifa terrorists in Portland

Seven Antifa Terrorists Arrested On Federal Charges After Weekend Of Carnage In Portland

'Portland, Oregon's Mayor, Ted Wheeler, a DEMOCRAT, seems to be buddies with the Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists and is on their side it seems. Either that or he's just afraid of them or afraid of criticism if he acts against them.

But I'll tell you one thing, the federal government is not afraid and is taking strong action against them."

Read about it...

Anarchist punks are tearing up Portland, a sanctuary city and their mayor protects all criminals: "We're proud of our sanctuary status. We do not impede the ability of ICE to do the work that they do in our community, we're just not going to do it for them in the same way that we don't work with the IRS to collect federal taxes," Wheeler said.


  1. I want to see then perp walked into ten years in the Federal pen. When is that going to happen?

  2. Anyone destroying US property or committing all this violence should be locked up for a long time, maybe for life, 10 years is too short!

    Please pray for an end to all this violence, destruction, and hate.

  3. This is what happens when the federal government gets involved. These criminals get arrested.
