Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Don Lemon sucks lemons

CNN’s Don Lemon made one claim about Jesus that should get him fired

Each day CNN continues to stoop to a new low in terms of left-wing bias and Trump Derangement Syndrome. But Don Lemon, who Trump calls the dumbest man on television, just took the cake.

Read more about dumb dumb


  1. It is sad, there are a lot of stupid people and ignorant people without any faith or religion. We need to pray each day that all humans turn to God, to Jesus Christ and convert to Christianity. That is the big problem in the world today. So few have any faith or religion in them at all. Please pray for full conversion of the entire world to Christianity as well as for more prayer, more peace, and more unity in this world.

  2. I can't imagine who his audience is!
