Monday, June 15, 2020

"Systemic Racism" in Lake Worth (Beach)?

Even though we do NOT have systemic racism in the City of Lake Worth (Beach), Democrat commissioners Hardy and Robinson believe that we do and are determined to make a big deal out of it all, both jumping on the bandwagon of craziness happening all over our country.

Under New Business for the commission meeting of June 16 is the recommendation to create a Task Force that will involve itself in the eradication of what they call "systemic racism" in our little city of Lake Worth (Beach)."

Following are their wishes/demands:


A. Timeframe: Task Force members should be chosen in the next 30 days as time is of the essence.
 B. Composition: The Task Force should consist of diverse community stakeholders in the city. May include 10-20 individuals, some of whom will represent organizations. The City Commission should discuss who those stakeholders will be, how many members will the Task Force include, and whether the Task Force should include commission members.
 C. Scope of work: The Task Force will be empowered to make recommendations for eradicating systemic racism in the City of Lake Worth Beach. The scope should be addressed by five committees with deadlines being established for each part as shown below:
 Police Committee to make recommendations on policing in Lake Worth Beach to reach the goal of eradicating systemic racism. The Task Force committee should be given 90 days to identify issues, research, review, and make written recommendations.
The issues TITLE: Creating a Task Force to make recommendations to the City Commission on the issue of eradicating systemic racism in the City of Lake Worth Beach would include reviewing the current contract with PBSO and addressing the need for body cameras, enhanced and targeted training for officers including de-escalation tools, police accountability, etc.
 Education Committee to make recommendations to the School District as it relates to its policies in education that lead to systemic racism in the school system. The Task Force would again identify issues, research, review, and make written recommendations within a specific time-frame.
 Housing Committee to make recommendations about rental assistance for families who have fallen behind on their rent or for legal counsel for families facing eviction due to financial hardships.
 Health and Human Services Committee to make recommendations on strategies and policies to deal with racial equity in the criminal justice system with a focus on how the City of Lake Worth Beach can contribute to the solutions.
 Financial Security Committee to make recommendations on providing racial equity in banking and lending for minorities (personal and business lending practices), developing mechanisms to assist minorities in taking advantage of banking institutions newly established racial equity funds (e.g., Goldman Sachs), etc.
Certainly am glad we don't have any historical statutes in our city for which they might object.


  1. there is zero systemic racism in our country.

  2. if these two jerks are so weak why don't they go to seattle.leave us alone

  3. There is plenty of racism, bigotry and prejudice in our country. Not systemic though. This country has bent over backwards to make opportunity equal for everyone. Guarantying equal opportunity does not mean guarantying equal outcome.

    Police and anyone for that matter have the right to feel intimidated by any group or individual of whatever race or group; be it Blacks, or bikers or klans-men or antifa thugs.

    Police have arresting authority. Full stop.

    If you resist that authority, YOU are placing yourself in jeopardy and any injury that happens after that is most likely caused by your re-action. There are exceptions to this but the 99.99% rule is in effect here.

    EVERYONE should be treated with respect right up to the point when they don't return that respect.

  4. After reading all the definations of systemic racism all I could come up with is that besides changing the history by tearing down statues they are changing the meanings of words.If people want to do something than learn from the past as many have said .Don't relive the past

  5. It's too bad...we came so far eliminating racism. Now liberals have brought it all back.

  6. Either we straighten this all out by the fall, or I'm leaving the country. I won't be the only one!

  7. Hey What happened to the Gulfstream? What happened to our "new" pool?????

  8. you didnt really think the pool or gulfdtream were going to be done did you

  9. Herman and Omari can focus on their jobs and what they are being paid to do for our city- not Omari's next job

  10. Every single bit of this needs to be voted down. Who in the hell do they think they are? They forget they are in LWB. This is why democrats will get slaughtered in November.
