Monday, June 15, 2020

Hillary Clinton continues to Blame Trump

Hillary Goes OFF on Twitter! Blames Donald Trump for Nancy Pelosi’s Actions

Hillary Clinton is one of the most disappointing politicians in this century. I have to admit, I liked and supported her at one time until she showed her true colors. I agree with Tulsi Gabbard when she said that Clinton was the embodiment of corruption and the queen of warmongers.

Pelosi's Democrat party blocked a bipartisan relief package and pushed for a pork-filled proposal in lieu of the original measure. The bill included a wish list of Democrats’ pet issues, including provisions on election law, payment for student loans, same-day voter registration, collective bargaining powers for unions, increased fuel emission standards for airlines, and the expansion of wind and solar tax credits.

Other provisions require corporations to include gender and racial diversity data to be reported to the federal government if they receive financial backing from the government. [Breitbart]

What a fool she is. Even Democrats know that.

1 comment:

  1. So tired of her. will she ever give up?
