Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Marxist Terrorist Criminal Group, BLM

Armed St. Louis Couple Defend Mansion Against Black Lives Matter Mob

A St. Louis couple stood on the front lawn of their mansion armed with weapons to defend their family and their property against a mob of Black Lives Matter “protesters.”

This mob of angry criminals were trespassing.

Click here... and see the video. These criminals are coming after all of us next, so be prepared.


  1. The "peaceful" protesters broke a gate and entered private property AND they were armed.

  2. Again, the mob wants violence and destruction, they want us to protest instead on the 4th of July. It almost seems like it is the dems shutting down all the beaches in South Florida for the 4th of July too, they want all to be so mad that we all protest. They want violence and destruction by all, this is the dems strategy, how sad. If you are a law abiding good citizen, you will not fall to the sins of the dems and BLM and antifia. They want us to protest that is why they shut the beaches down here, remember dems are in control of this area of Florida. Pray and celebrate our beautiful country, put a flag on your door or window, be proud of the USA, the mob isn't they just want to cause anarchy.

  3. I can't imagine what they would charge them with. If the guns are legal, and they are on their own property, what's the problem. They didn't shoot anybody.
