Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Detroit Police SUV drives through BLM protesters

As I continuously say, Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group. Anyone who denies that is not playing with a full deck.


  1. any of these people that think this whole thing is about a dead black man needs help.i have not one thing against any race but wake up folks.this is terrorism plain and simple.please wake up and see whats going on before its to late

  2. The dems and BLM and the mob want all of us to protest. It almost seems like it is the dems shutting down all the beaches in South Florida for the 4th of July too, they want all to be so mad that we all protest. They want violence and destruction by all, this is the dems strategy, how sad. If you are a law abiding good citizen, you will not fall to the sins of the dems and BLM and antifia. They want us to protest that is why they shut the beaches down here, remember dems are in control of this area of Florida.
