Thursday, June 25, 2020

Has Joe Lost His Mind?

“Is Joe Biden in mental decline? Does Joe Biden have dementia?” the narrator notes. “In a world losing its mind, we don’t need a president who’s already lost his.”


  1. I am disappointed by the attacks on Joe Biden. As an older person, I'm used to people making jokes about memory or physical's what happens to us when we age. But whether it's a joke about Donald Trump drinking from a glass or walking down a ramp or Joe Biden mispronouncing words or saying one thing when meaning another, it's all wrong...because ageism is wrong.

    These kinds of attacks or jokes tell us much more about the person making them than they do about the person they're attacking.

  2. It’s nice that you are defending age. Most Seniors I know are sharp as a tack. Biden isn’t one of them. And there is no way under the sun that he should be running this country, the most important job in the world.

  3. 3.34 that is why I always thought a president should be 50

  4. I appreciate the sentiment 3:34, but it doesn't explain how the DNC, or his wife for that matter, refuse to recognize that he is failing. The lust for power in politics would sell their own mother to get elected. In addition to his lapses, the fact that he, of his own accord, can't see that he is unfit for the job, is troubling in itself.

    The same goes for Nancy Pelosi. There are certain signs that are a dead giveaway when it comes to mental acuity. After all, she is 80. Another one who should step down without having to be told.

    80 doesn't mean you are useless. It does mean, however that you skill set is not the same as when you were 50 or 60.

  5. Comparing Trumps vs. Biden, I would take President Trump again. Biden doesn't have his mind, not sure if it is age or something else, also he is a hypocrite, plane and simple. He is supposed to be a Catholic, not support abortion, yet he advocates for it and appeases to his constituents. It is wrong! We have friends, a couple, from Albany NY who are 88 and 89 and have their minds. My spouse's grandmother just turned 100 a week ago, she is brilliant, still has her mind, spirit, and walks and still has decent health. She is so smart, watches TV, says rosaries, you can talk to her about anything. I agree with you Lynn on this that there are some people with age that lose their minds or get dementia or Alzheimer and are not capable to lead a country. I too question whether Biden is competent.

  6. They should not allow anyone to run for office if they are over 70, retirement age. Some of these elected in office into their 80's too like the Supreme Court, RBG and some of them are in until 90+, it is too much. We need people who have their minds, not sleeping during meetings or Presidential Addresses. Plus, term limits. 2 years for all elected, that is it. Make it all more like jury duty, not elected, a duty and that is it.

  7. Trump is 74. No problem with age there! There are exceptions to every rule.

  8. Biden's age has nothing to do with it. He's been whacked for years. Hiding behind the Muslim brotherhood prez.
