Thursday, June 25, 2020

Black Lives Matter Group has been Hijacked

What exactly are you gonna burn down, tough guy?

Talk show host reacts to threat from Black Lives Matter leader

Last night, Martha MacCallum had guest, greater New York Black Lives Matter President Hawk Newsome. He was militant and outrageous and said he/they were going to burn down our system.

Black Lives Matter is a domestic Marxist terrorist group. Period. End of story.

Why aren't Democrats speaking out? Why aren't they doing anything about the insurrection in our country and happening in Democrat strongholds?

Read what Mark Levin had to say about this horrible human being.

1 comment:

  1. I'm conflicted Lynn: I don't know whether to worry about the coming apocalyptic wave of the Corona Virus, or the Violent Take-Over of the Government by New-Age Communists.

    I think we have to put a GAG on the Media, before everyone in the country is rendered impotent from an overload of information.
