Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Commission Meeting on Racism - Meeting from Hell

Quotes from Last night's commission Meeting

"Hypocrisy is astounding."
Commissioner Herman Robinson

"It astounds anyone with a brain."
Commissioner Omari Hardy

"You three (Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso) are completely debaucherous from the standpoint of what's good for the public."
Commissioner Omari Hardy

Debauchery was a curious word to use here. Archaic. Seduction from morality, allegiance, or duty. Quite an indictment from Hardy who obviously has bent up racial issues that have totally come to light now. This is a young man who was educated in a fine university, was elected by the very people he is calling racist (white people) and has had every advantage that all Americans have.

Commissioner Hardy, if you get elected to the Florida Legislature and carry on like you do in Lake Worth, they will eat you alive.


  1. Couldn’t agree more Lynn!!! His behavior was disgusting and
    embarrassing to our city. And the way he attacked the Mayor- brought her to tears. He is a child, clearly.

  2. I was going to vote for Omari, but I have changed my mind. I'd rather have a likable crook, than a sanctimonious liberal. I think Omari gauges which way the wind is blowing, and takes a shot. He is really only interested in advancement.

  3. 5 more months and Omari will be out of here.

  4. And Omari probably doesn't even live in Lake Worth and never really has. He is a fraud and corrupt, there is so much hypocrisy it seems from the left.

  5. I don’t think he’s corrupt but he definitely has a lot of hate in his heart for White people—still fighting 400 years of slavery and inflaming racism that does not exist in our city. It’s awful what he’s doing and people who once admired him for being an intelligent guy will turn against him, or they should.

  6. Thanks for Sharing 3:47!

  7. Hardly has nothing to lose he’s done with Lake Worth he’s picking up the Communist comrades to assist him which he’ll use and toss like trash or them him.

    Name me one Herman Robinson accomplishment as a council member, just one, I’ll wait, coffee with the sissies?

  8. TMI 3:47 but good choice. Perhaps all the others were conflicted by their choice, however temporary it may have been.
