Wednesday, June 24, 2020

All Lives Matter

Mike Pence refuses to back down to “Black Lives Matter” question – Instead he embraces “All Lives Matter”

"…we celebrate the fact that from the founding of this nation we’ve cherished the ideal that all, all of us are created equal, and endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights. And so all lives matter in a very real sense."

This is such a fundamental concept...why do Democrats have a problem with it? Besides, BLM is now a terrorist organization. Wikipedia needs to change its description of this organization which is much worse than the Black Panther Party.

Maybe Charles Manson was right--The core of Charles Manson's philosophy was a racial Armageddon--Helter Skelter--something to think about.

Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely, I agree, ALL LIVES MATTER! Tired of just black!
