Friday, May 1, 2020

Rick Scott - Andrew Cuomo Feud

Rick Scott hits back at Andrew Cuomo for saying NY bails out Florida

Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott hit back at New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo yesterday  for saying his state “bails out” the Sunshine State every year. I am so sick of this whiner Cuomo with his hand out every day.

Don't know what Cuomo was referring to about NY bailing our Florida...must be all those New Yorkers visiting Florida (our no income tax state), during the winter months who boost our economy and don't have to pay $10 for a cup of coffee. Even the President of the United States has moved here!

We don't have a state income tax, however, New York state income tax rates range from 4 percent to 8.82 percent.

Read about the feud...


  1. He does seem to complain and whine a lot. Not impressed. He only caters to the NYC area too and most New Yorkers don't like him much either now. His father Mario was a good long term governor, but Andrew is not good at all, his brother Chris too on CNN, they hate President Trump and all they do is complain and attack. They are not good people.

  2. Where does the FEMA money come from each time a hurricane hits Florida?

  3. But they ARE bailing us out. Look at all the New Yorkers moving here to escape the high taxes there. Thank you Gov. Coumo! Keep em coming! We love the revenue they spend here and help our economy.

    Much rather them moving here than people from Mississippi moving here.

  4. Do not mind them coming here to visit but then get the heck out. And of course you would rather have a Democrat move here.

  5. @8:43 FEMA has nothing to do with bailing out losing state economies and their ridiculous retirement benefits and picking up tabs for sanctuary cities or states. FEMA has its own budget to help out in natural disasters.

  6. I assume that Anon at 8:43 was pointing out that there are a lot of NY, NJ, IL, and CA federal tax dollars in the FEMA money that is given to places like Florida, Louisiana, Texas, and South Carolina after a hurricane hits. Imagine if the Governors of those states made a big to-do of Florida taking care of it's own mess after a hurricane and signed a letter saying they didn't agree with Florida getting their tax dollars. I think it's a valid point.

  7. @4:12 FEMA has an annual budget of $18 billion that is used and distributed in different states according to the emergencies that occur in each one. [Google]
    The coronavirus does NOT have any budget. And mismanaged states now want to take advantage of the federal government by applying for money to shore up there negative resources and cover-up their negative balance sheets.
    States that are managed well should not have to take care of states that are not.

  8. Lynn, they're tax dollars that belong to the American people. Whether they're budgeted for or not, it's OUR money either way. So when Florida gets hundreds of millions of FEMA money, there is plenty of money from NY, NJ, IL and California taxpayer's monies in it.

    If you want to place guidelines on how that money is used by the states once they get it, that's a whole other thing that should have, quite frankly, been thought about by those senators who voted for it and who are now against it. But to deny states money that some of their own taxpayers put in the pot is ridiculous. It's the taxpayer's money, for pete's sakes. Not Florida's or Texas's or Wisconsin's. We're all Americans. It's about time some of us start acting like it.

  9. You just are not comprehending what I said. Loser states are trying to take advantage of our federal government to shore up their balance sheets for obscene over- spending. Has nothing to do with Coronavirus. Hurricane disaster funds totally different. Can’t stand Cuomo.

  10. What about hurricane Sandy? Didn't NY get any FEMA money?
