Friday, May 1, 2020

Poll on Opening Up America

Although we are fast approaching a moment in which the law of diminishing returns will take over, and our economy will be damaged irreparably, this is a poll that was just done by PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist.

I guess a lot of these polled have been watching CNN and/or watching Andrew Cuomo every day.


  1. Leave it to the lamestream media to turn America into a bunch of wimps. Take off your masks, go shopping, go out to eat...let's get back to MAGA. Tens of thousands of people die in auto accidents each year and do we prevent people from driving? No. Because it's just the risk of driving. So if you're scared of driving, don't drive.

    Same with this flu thing. If you're scared of catching it, stay home. Those of us who aren't scared or who don't care can go about our business and enjoy life. We take our chances, of course, and we may infect a couple other people if we get it but that's just life. At some point it's going to run its course and just disappear. Those who want the vaccine when it is developed can take it, those who don't want it are free to take their chances. It's America, Land of the Free.

    I'm more concerned about the upcoming hurricane season than I am about catching this thing.

  2. Reminds me of how defective the polling was just prior to Trump being elected as President of the United States....The polls and the mental midgets of the media, had Trump as polling so low as to be laughable. But once reality set in, and the votes were actually cast, it was shown conclusively that such polling is worthless at best, and at worst is a tool for leftist political control. A poll right now on the governmental response to the virus will reflect mainstream news lies and fears. Beyond that, it will have no material benefit.

  3. This is what happens when you pay people not to work. There are a couple of sayings that apply here.

    "It's the end of the world as we know it"

    "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

    "It seemed like a good idea at the time"

    It's over folks; We've Been Had!
