Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Rude American Press

Reporter from Yahoo asks rude question

If you didn't see the press conference yesterday with our President and great Governor DeSantis, you missed something. Incidentally, Florida is doing great in its plan to contain the virus. One of the highlights was when a reporter from Yahoo asked an erroneous and rude question.

During the press conference, Dr. Birx briefed reporters that the US testing is similar to European countries who are suffering from the pandemic.

When it was time to take questions from the press a Yahoo reporter, Hunter Walker, asked President Trump why the US is “lagging” behind other countries in testing for the coronavirus.

Annoyed, Dr. Birx interrupted the President and corrected the Yahoo reporter and it was beautiful to watch. After Dr. Birx shot back the President tagged back in and was all over the reporter…it…was…brutal!


  1. The only way Trump can defend himself is to lash back at rude, uninformed reporters with "gotcha" questions, trying to make the President look bad.
    And I don't publish comments from Trump haters on this blog.

  2. Trump has always liked to fight with anyone who wants to bring it. A documentary on him I watched explained it pretty well. His influence and possible mentor was his attorney for years. There was a lawsuit he lost, had to pay fines and attorney fees and he came out exclaiming he won. I think Clinton was the best "off the cuff" interviewee as President I can remember. Trump, Obama and W don't do well off script.

  3. Trump is the best off script I have ever heard. Have you ever watched or attended any of his rallies?
