Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Beach Tenants want the City to give them Rent Concessions

Coronavirus Florida: Lake Worth Beach mulls ways to help businesses that pay rent to the city

Well, of course...who is surprised about this coming from our leaders in this liberal, progressive, socialist city. Oh, am I being too harsh?

On Friday, March 27, 2020, the President signed into law the CARES Act, which contains $376 billion in relief for American workers and small businesses...This loan provides up to $10,000 of economic relief to businesses that are currently experiencing temporary difficulties. The loan relief doesn't even have to be repaid.

But our tenants at the beach have appealed to their landlord, the City of Lake Worth, for even more relief. They'll take just about anything.

"The Commission will meet on May 5 and will consider a handful of options that include rent forgiveness, deferral of rent payments or some combination of both."

We are all sympathetic that businesses have had to close during this pandemic and people have lost their jobs but when you open a business you take on all the risks. The federal government is helping out everyone.

Read about it...


  1. It better not be rent forgiveness. Good God.

  2. Why not? I say send them all a letter stating their rent for the period the beach was closed is $1 per month. These are long term tenants, not fly-by-nights. Closing the beach was required by the emergency order. When the Governor releases the say at home order, rent resumes.
