Saturday, February 22, 2020

Quote of the Day - Dan Rather

When asked if Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is part of the Trump cult:

“Yes. The short answer is yes. Increasingly President Trump’s support seems cultish. It’s all about him, it’s not about a policy, it’s not the standards of politics. Ronald Reagan had a very solid following but he stood for something in terms of policy. Franklin Roosevelt, same way. These cults, cults generally don’t  end well. People will say it’s too much to say it’s a cult. I don’t think so. The further we go, it is always all about him. It’s not about a policy.”

~ Dan Rather

Read about policy achievements of President Trump. When President Trump states that the press has been unfair and inaccurate, it is true. Now a top journalist gives his opinion, not fact, on even Trump supporters. This is outrageous and the number one reason why I will not watch any of these left-leaning cable channels.

1 comment:

  1. The only "cult" was O Bummers! The black Messiah! At least Trump has the intelligence to laugh at himself sometimes. O Bummer?? NEVER !!!!
