Saturday, February 22, 2020

Hear Buyers of Gulstream Hotel at Casino

This should be interesting as the City of Lake Worth is counting on its residents to vote favorably for a height amendment on March 17 (Amendment 3) for these parcels at the Gulfstream Hotel. We should find out if they are indeed going to build a hotel on that property and what they have in mind and why they need 87 feet. Of course, every good intent is subject to change. If you notice, the announcement only says "their plans to restore the crown jewel..." and "save the historic Gulfstream hotel"


  1. These con men can't even get their own financing!!! They want to use OUR TAX DOLLARS "for the first year" so they "can get financing" !!! Do you believe this $hit??? Only in Lake Worth Bitches!

  2. that might be Rhe Bohemian you are thinking about where they want over $2million from us to get financing.
