Saturday, December 14, 2019

Senator Rick Scott

Senator Rick Scott applauded the release of the final 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which was reported out by the conference committee on Monday. The final NDAA includes: 
•    Nearly $750 billion in defense spending;
•    A 3.1% pay raise for military members;
•    Senator Scott’s amendment to cut off funds to the Maduro regime;
•    Senator Scott’s amendment to hold China accountable;
•    More than $1.5 billion to rebuild Tyndall Air Force Base following Hurricane Michael; and
•    A ban on the purchase or use of foreign-made drones by the Department of Defense

Senator Rick Scott spoke on the Senate floor about all the things Congress is not doing while Democrats in the House continue their obsession with impeaching the President to overturn the results of the 2016 election, like passing a budget. Senator Scott is working to hold members of Congress accountable by passing No Budget, No Pay to prevent them from getting paid if they fail to pass a budget.  Watch Senator Scott’s speech HERE or below. 

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