Saturday, December 14, 2019

Anonymous Comments no longer allowed on this blog

Due to the increased anonymous posting of a few spouting their liberal agenda on this conservative blog as well as attempting to post hateful and cruel comments towards other citizens, our policy has changed. Now you have to have a Google account to post where you can be tracked and held accountable to what you say.

Years ago I tried this and it lasted about six months...people complained about it. I caved after reflection and also the idea of free speech being the most important part of our Constitution. My thought was, I can monitor this. But now, we are in an election cycle and an impeachment of the President and hateful political comments are appearing once again.

So, for credibility purposes and establishing trust, you will not be able to post anonymously. This policy is subject to change.


  1. Lynn, you are offering 100% free speech even when preventing anonymous posting. There is nothing American or about Freedom or Democracy in giving anonymous trolls a world stage to post anti-American or anti-family or anti cultural rantings with no accountability -- due to no one seeing who they are. Brave Americans responsible for our beginnings, signed their names on the Declaration of Independence. Cowardly slugs demanding the right to do damage with their no consequence anonymous posting should be granted no rights. Only people with real identities have rights. Trolls have no rights. Let them form their own blogs, and terrorize other cowardly anonymous bloggers with their defective ideologies. Good riddance.

  2. I am in 100% agreement with Dan and Lynn.

