Monday, December 30, 2019

Progressivism, an Opiate of the Marxists

Why Progressives Hate Trump

Years ago I asked a former Lake Worth commissioner what it meant to be a "progressive" as I was unfamiliar with the term. I never got an answer as I am sure she didn't want to startle me too much. Or perhaps it was something as simple as not admitting to herself that she was a communist. But perhaps it was because the answer was too complex. Subsequently, we all have found out what it means.

"Progressives all have the same goal, even those who don’t know it outright. The progressive goal is to destroy the American system and replace it with a utopian heaven on earth. That’s it." And that's why college kids are so impressionable and easy to convince as are the biggest voting block, the Millennials.

This goal could be the entire American system as Obama wanted to fundamentally transform us. Or it could be something like our health care system. Either way, the progressive sets out to destroy the current American system to replace it with their version of a utopian heaven on earth, of which those of us who live in reality understand it’s never going to happen.


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