Monday, December 30, 2019

Anti Religion on the Rise

Thanks de Blasio

Suspects in Other Jewish Attacks Were Released Shortly Before Hanukkah Bloodshed

The State of New York is into Bail Reform and one of these suspects was released right before the horrendous hate crime.

A nut job with a machete attacked the occupants in the home of Rabbi Chaim Rottenberg. On Friday, another suspect in an anti Semitic incident was set free. Ayana Logan, a 43-year-old who stands accused of swinging a handbag at an Orthodox Jewish mother in the Gravesend area of Brooklyn. Logan also allegedly spewed anti-Semitic bile before the attack: “You f—ing Jew, the end is coming for you!” she allegedly told the mother.

Read about our favorite Mayor

Not only is anti semitism hate on the rise in our country, but Christians are being persecuted as well. Down from 1990 by 20 points, 65% admit to being Christian. It's cool now among Progressives to hate religion and all people who believe in God. Liberals are the true provocateurs.

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