Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Lake Worth's Jo-Ann Golden Passes

9-11-1948 / 10-29-2019

A lovely, honest woman--a great gal who did so much for Lake Worth and her fellow citizens. She will be deeply missed by all who knew her.


  1. I was waiting for an obituary to appear in the PB Post before I blogged about Jo-Ann. However, there was an article in today's paper about her so decided to mention her passing today.

    I had lost touch with Jo-Ann over the past several years. National politics drove us apart but locally we were in agreement on many things.

    She was the sweetest person and I will especially miss her lovely smile.

  2. Oh, I loved that woman

  3. Jo-Ann Golden was a lovely educated woman. I hadn't seen her for years, and I also remember her friendly smile.

    R.I.P. Jo-Ann-You will be missed by all who knew you.

  4. There are not many people who can differ on issues and still greet you with a genuine smile and embrace. That differences of opinion don't make you a bad person and that you could truly sit down and discuss the merits of your argument with her.

    Jo-Ann was one of those who could. We came from vastly different worlds, saw things in completely different lights but I was always happy to see her at City Hall or on the streets of Lake Worth.

    May she rest in peace among the angels.

  5. Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. She's a fellow survivor and a great person. I loved her spirit, honesty, and will miss her. She truly loved this city.
