Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Feeling Optimistic - Trump 2020

Blue Toast says: "After this past five years watching the Democratic party tear itself apart with their whiny, poor me attitude, I have determined that until I am dead and gone or the world explodes I will never vote for a Democrat regardless of what they say or do. The entire Democrat party acts like they are still going through the terrible two's. I have never seen a bigger collection of people act like two-year-old's throwing temper tantrums.

I do not care if they have multiple college degrees or are the most accomplished lawyers in the land. I have more common sense in my little finger than the entire lot of them have together. They need to pull themselves up by their boot straps and start acting, and behaving, like adults."

Blue Toast's sentiments are those of every Republican alive. It's a shame that Democrats have ruined their Party. They have become what they claim to hate...false narratives instead of truth, lies instead of facts.

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