Saturday, October 5, 2019

Shifty Adam Schiff got four Pinocchios

1 comment:

  1. Schiff and Pelosi are the latest incarnation of the deep state, the group that encouraged $35-$40 million waste on the Mueller farce. It,s our money and our country.
    They and the loser Dems put out the first act of their Broadway play but neglected to have a dress rehearsal, so they are working on a second act claiming to have a first hand witness, whustleblower #2.
    What a waste of time and money.
    Instead of doing the business of our counrty (infrastructure, USMCA, trade deals, immigration reform) Pelosi and Schumer accept large salaries to do their business instead of the peoples' business.
    Re-elect President Trump in 2020!

    Do Pelosi/Schumer and all Senate.House members know that Drug Cartels have controlled America's Border,with millions$$$ business dealings,with lobbyists enriching Senate,House members who kept USA Sovereign borders open,for smooth drug flow of their BILLIONAIRES made with open border convenience for DRUG Cartels? Enriched swamp members are arrogant, because of enriched status,thanks to all Drug cartels, for whom they keep America's borders open.

    Pelosi wants to Impeach the American people's President,attacked 24/7 by wild democratic beasts,for her DRUG Cartels for whom she obstructed viciously Americans' President TRUMP's Americans protecting WALL funding and creationg.Pelosi open border sent in 27,000,000 criminal illegal alien INVADERS,COSTIIG WORKING AMERICA $209,000,000,000BILLIONS this year.
