Saturday, October 5, 2019

Mother of Lake Worth Murder Victim wants answers

Family wants justice after son killed in shooting in Lake Worth Beach

The mother of 39 year old Jorge Vargas Cruz wants answers in the shooting death of her son. He was shot and killed and robbed in his store, Cruz Fashion Store at 1515 Lake Avenue in Lake Worth Beach on August 7. Here was a hard-working man trying to live the American Dream by opening his own business in 2017. Some low-life came into his store because they wanted his "stuff" and had no regard for human life.

This happened right up the block from Lake Worth City Hall. And I might have missed it but I have yet to see/hear anyone on the commission give a public condolence to the family of this dead shop owner.

Read about it...

Crime Stoppers is offering a $3000 reward.

1 comment:

  1. This is definitely a sad case. Sometimes, things seem peaceful enough, and you think, how could this happen? Other times, when you drive past those S. Federal Hwy. Motels, you think, I wonder how many killers and drug dealers are holed up in these ugly rooms? I'd like to see more sting operations in those places, but I guess we don't have those anymore. Too mean and unfair to the slime that inhabits there.
