Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Shepard Smith - Glad he is gone from Fox

Sleepy eyes Carl Cameron rushes to MSNBC to tell the world how wonderful Shepard Smith is and how horrible Fox News is. Fox is not amused!

by Thomas Madison October 15, 2019

"Cameron actually reported and apparently believes, 'It is a real sad day for people who watch Fox News and want accurate information because Shep was somebody who you could reliably count on.'

Shepard Smith is a disgrace as a journalist. His 'news' program was nothing more than a daily hour of shameless Trump hatred. There was nothing objective or nonpartisan about Smith’s show. It was a daily Trump-bashing editorial."

And NO one will miss Shepard Smith.

Read the article... at Powdered Wig.


  1. Shep Smith will be missed by many of his professional colleagues at Fox and elsewhere because they've worked with him over 20+ years and know that he's a straight shooter. They've said as much in interviews and on air after he left.

    His mistake was criticizing Trump. You don't do that at Fox or in Trump circles where people only want to hear positive spins that support Trump. Look at Napolitano and Wallace resigning or being forced out next.

    Trump and his followers are a thin-skinned bunch where they love to dish it out but can't take when someone punches back by correcting them or reciting the facts.

  2. @3:15. Question--did you EVER even watch his show? Is this just more liberal punk commentary?
    Shepard Smith was anti-Trump. He spun the news to his liberal agenda always looking for the negative. If he couldn't find it, he made it up. He hated Trump...and as Biden would say, he hated Trump, PERIOD.

  3. Speak for yourself Lynn. Shep was a great newsman, not a ditto head. I'm sure he'll get a new job as soon as his non-compete clause is fulfilled.

    Maybe he'll write a book. I have a hunch that is just what he will do.

    I cringe to think that Wallace might leave. He's the best news person ever.

    Try to contain your glee: you and your ilk are going to have a hard landing one day. Nothing lasts forever.

  4. Gosh, I sure hope Chris Wallace leaves. He is one of the worst. Then get rid of these crazy Democrat commenters like cheater Donna Brazile, Jessica Tarlov and Juan Williams.
    Hope Shep writes a one will read it; no one will buy it. Who in the hell cares what this anti-Christian, etc. guy says.
    Personally, I think he was fired. I wonder what horrible thing he said or did that we don't know about. :) LOL.
    And true, nothing lasts forever. Socialism is something our country can't afford. Why do you people want to destroy our country?

  5. Shep's departure from Fox, might actually give Wallace and Bret and Neil a status they previously lacked. I doubt if the Fox family wants to be known as the Trump organ. There's such a thing as too much of a good thing. Fox might be nearing that tipping point.

  6. Sometimes you remind me of Rumpelstiltskin.

  7. @3:51--that statement proves what a crazy nut job you are...believing in nutty fairy tales.

  8. So, Lynn...question.

    Do you think that everyone at Fox News should praise Trump 24/7? And if they say anything negative they should be fired?

    Do you think that only news presenting a positive image of Trump is real?

    Are you aware of the way Russian state TV works? Or TV in North Korea? Are you aware that what you and others are demanding from Fox News and from all Americans is similar to totalitarian regimes where free speech and criticism of the leaders is not tolerated and is quickly silenced?

  9. @4:11
    Ask CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post and the NY Times the same question who have never given Trump any favorable reporting. JOKE.
    Stupid question.
