Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Last Night's City Commission Meeting Part II

Eventually we got to New Business on how to proceed with creating ordinances to place on the March ballot.
  • FAILED 4/1 Charter Revision regarding Heights. Hardy dissented...was not interested in the two Charter Amendments, only in what developers want even saying one of our referendums probably took place before he was born, which it wasn't unless he was born in 2005 and that was the one that saved Old Bridge Park. He believes it is "leadership" to go against the will of the voters. The point is that commissions always want to dismiss referendums by the people once they are in office to get their own agenda passed. Their constituents only matter when they need their vote. In spite of the law in 2013 that caused our referendum to be moot and was retroactive to the winning referendum on heights, the Commission still could have honored the vote--they did not.
  • PASSED 5/0 Charter amendment regarding Lease Terms to 30 years for all city owned property in Lake Worth.  Don't know why this is some advantage to lessees as the Charter Amendment mentioned above now provides 20 years. Renewals can be written into the Terms. And speaking of Old Bridge Park, that Charter amendment was done by the citizens because the city wanted to sell off our public land to a developer to build a high rise condo.
  • FAILED 5/0:  Placing the sale of 36 acres in north end on the ballot. Omari Hardy said he was against this as he had listened to his constituents but the past charter amendments by the people that have passed were of no interest to him. He listens to some but not those citizens who won referendums.
  • FAILED 3/2 Having a straw ballot on the Pool at the beach. Hardy made a motion to Disapprove (This means that the residents won't be able to vote on what this city does at our pool). The vote was 3/2 to disapprove. And all along Commissioner Hardy believes he cares what the residents want.
  • PASSED 5/0 Charter amendment to give the County a 99 year lease for Jewel Cove. The County will not be able to develop, only maintain.


  1. So, in layman's terms, does the heights charter remain, or will they be building high-rises now?

  2. It will stay 65' east of Dixie and 100' west of Dixie

  3. Omari is a lame duck now. He can continue to try and do damage to our city but it won't work.

  4. Why don't the three of them want us to be able to vote on what happens to our pool? Why would the Mayor vote this way?
