Sunday, October 27, 2019

One Vile Murderer gone!

A U.S. raid led al-Baghdadi to blow himself up

With President Donald Trump commenting, "He died like a dog."

Al-Baghdadi became the declared caliph of the newly renamed Islamic State group. Under his leadership, the group became known for macabre massacres and beheadings — often posted online on militant websites — and a strict adherence to an extreme interpretation of Islamic law.


  1. America first! What the heck is trump doing fighting for sand? Let these lloosers fight it out like kids in the school yard. Get our troops out of the sand box!

  2. Has anyone ever noticed how warped and weird Leftists are? But worse than that, they are 100% uninformed. Amazing

  3. That's right 9:49 America first, with our great decisive President. The rest of your post sounds drunk.

  4. 9:49 can't understand the brilliant strategy of calling a place a pile of sand while preparing an elite mission. Take off the TDS glasses and respect our President.
