Sunday, October 27, 2019

Judge Napolitano got it all wrong!

John Boehner contradicts Judge Napolitano, says he did not change impeachment rules

And you would think he would know what he's talking about as he served as a New Jersey Superior Court judge from 1987 to 1995 and all. Now he's a legal analyst for Fox News. Perhaps that's it? I have always been suspicious of this guy.

After getting the Russia collusion story all wrong, Judge Andrew Napolitano is winning praise from the liberal media for telling more lies about the Ukraine controversy.

The one-time friend of President Donald Trump claimed that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is not conducting a shadowy, Soviet-style show trial like Republicans say, but rather is following rules that Republicans themselves set in 2015. But former Republican House Speaker John Boehner contradicted Napolitano’s claim, confirming he never changed the rules on impeachment. [Conservative Institute]

Read about the Judge... and what John Boehner actually changed.


  1. The truth has become only what you agree with.

  2. @6:39--Don't understand your comment.
    John Boehner disputes Napolitano. He should know...He was there and in office at that time.
    So, it has nothing to do with what I agree with.

  3. 6:39 Do you realize what this soviet style Congress could mean for YOU? Americans have the right to face their accusers. EVERY American has this right. Even the President of the United States.Oh wait- not under Democrat (Soviet) rule.

  4. 6:39 quoting fortune cookie saying. Get off the MSG.
