Thursday, October 17, 2019

Laura Loomer Candidate for District 21



October 15, 2019

PALM BEACH, FL—The campaign for conservative Republican and investigative journalist Laura Loomer today announced its first fundraising haul since entering the congressional race for Florida’s 21st district.

The campaign will report raising over $154,000 in just 60 days of fundraising in the Q3 report. Financial support for Laura Loomer came from 2,314 donors across all 50 states with Florida being the top contributing state. The average contribution was $66.

By comparison, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) raised $59,000 in her first combined two quarters as a political newcomer. Many pundits and political observers consider Laura Loomer as the Republican Party’s counterbalance because of her willingness to take on the radical left. Additionally, her opponent, incumbent Congresswoman Lois Frankel only raised $107,000. One of Loomer’s GOP rivals of the five candidates in the FL-21 field only raised about $20,000, meaning as a political newcomer, Loomer out-raised all of her GOP and incumbent Democrat opponents COMBINED. Loomer accomplished this while being banned on every social media platform. All of her opponents, both Republican and Democrat had access to social media while fundraising for their campaigns. Clearly Loomer’s FEC report proves that she is a viable candidate, and her social media bans must be lifted immediately.

“I’m humbled at the outpouring of support for my campaign,” said Loomer. “Despite the radical left, big tech tyrants and the fake-news media doing everything they can to hinder my campaign, this early showing puts career politician Lois Frankel and the do-nothing-Democrats in congress on notice that no seat is safe and that I’m running to win. I look forward to continuing to travel the district and learning the concerns of the voters.”

The congressional seat is currently held by Democrat Lois Frankel, a staunch obstructionist and critic of President Trump, and a close friend and ally of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Despite chairing the Democrat Congressional Women’s Caucus, Frankel has refused to denounce freshman Democrat Reps. Ilhan Omar, AOC and Rashida Tlaib (The Squad) for their anti-Semitism.

Karen Giorno, Trump’s 2016 Florida State Director and chief strategist for the Loomer campaign commented on the impressive haul for the first time candidate, “Laura is proving that she is a serious candidate and committed to flipping this seat and building the resources necessary to expose just how out of touch with the district Lois Frankel has become. I believe this will be one of the most watched congressional races for 2020 and will be a bellwether for regaining the House.”

Laura Loomer is a pro-America, Jewish conservative with a strong history of supporting President Trump and Jewish causes both here in America and abroad. She is well-known for her fight against big-tech censorship of conservatives and her investigations into the weaponization of social media platforms by far-left Democrat mega-donors.


  1. Loomer is more of a counterbalance to Omar than to AOC. AOC is a young idealist, while Omar and Loomer are hateful demonic witches.
