Thursday, October 17, 2019

ABC Fake News

After Running Fake Footage of Turkey Attacking Kurds, ABC Makes Fake Trump Quote Go Viral

First of all, on Sunday, a segment on the network’s “World News Tonight” program showed footage of a years-old military weapons demonstration in Kentucky, but described it as footage from a Turkish attack on Kurds in Syria. [Western Journal]

And now ABC totally misquoted the President while he was with the Italian President Sergio Mattarella making President Trump look callus. It just seems to me that these gaffs are not honest mistakes. We know the footage shown in Kentucky described as being in Syria was definitely dishonest.

1 comment:

  1. Megyn Kelly reports intentional bias at NBC. These are not "gaffes" but the continued attack on our duly elected president.
    A dangerous and illegal coup is being exposed and the Democrats and FBI and CIA salaried employees who participated will be outed and fake news participation will be shown.
    Swamp creatures are crawling out with mud on their backs and will turn on each other.
