Thursday, October 10, 2019

Deep State

Rod Rosenstein Believed Deep State Traitor Jeff Sessions and John Kelly Would Vote For Trump Removal From Office


  1. Never did like this guy Rosenstein

  2. How is it that EVERYONE hailed Mueller as a stand-up guy, a REAL patriot, someone with impeccable integrity, methodical, and honest beyond description until he didn't implicate Trump or his campaign in any crime or wrongdoing.

    But Mueller DID find the Russia DID interfere with our Presidential elections and did so to help Trump.

    What effect that had on the results of the election may never be known.

    Trump had nothing to do with it.

    But why won't Trump call out Russia for what they did or for what Mueller said they are still doing with our democratic elections?

  3. Question is--why didn't Obama call out Russia who knew what they were doing helping Hillary by hacking into the DNC and e-mails. BECAUSE they all thought Hillary would win.
    The intelligence had been politicized in the corrupt Obama administration to a very significant degree.
    Mueller was a deep State operative and hated Trump. Why would anyone believe anything Mueller would say as he tried hard enough to find collusion and obstruction against Trump and couldn't after 2+ years and $32 million bucks later.
    Worry about all your corruption in the Democrat party.

  4. Obama shutdown some Russian compound and sent a bunch of them packing but who cares it’s politics and they are all corrupt making millions while some of us get suckered into believing they care about us... sad!

  5. As 8:19 has stated, the whole thing is a sham. The only ones benefiting from this, are the talking heads, and some political junkies who enjoy the who-done-it aspect of the whole thing.

    The is an egregious waste of the public's time and money, and they are too stupid to do anything about it.

    The country doesn't work anymore. Going forward, there will either be a civil war, or a revolution, depending which way the wind blows, and that will probably not happen in the foreseeable future.
