Thursday, October 10, 2019

Biden upset about new Trump ad

After strong-arming Ukraine to fire a prosecutor, Joe Biden is now warning Fox to not air a Trump campaign ad highlighting Biden’s corruption

"Joe Biden believes he is Don Corleone, a street-seasoned capo so powerful and intimidating that mere mortals tremble in his presence."

Read about it...


  1. Right, like this is the big story. No matter how you spin it DT is the crook here. Sad for our country but the truth is the truth.

  2. How is DT a crook?
    What's sad are Democrats spreading this BS.

  3. I'm not spreading anything. Hey, I voted for him but I'm not so stubborn as to ignore facts. This does not look good for him. When the complete truth comes out, and it always does even when its hard to take, this is going to be even uglier. This is sad for our country. I'm an American first, a Republican second.

  4. Listening to too much Democrat propaganda

  5. He did say he loved the "poorly educated" and you can lead the "poorly educated" to facts but you can't make them think.

  6. @1:16--president Trump is working for ALL the people and acknowledged that the poorly educated need to be heard too. He doesn't want them to be dismissed because of social, cultural or economic issues.

  7. This mayor can move to NY and replace deBlasio who is term limited.

    Glad to see the police are supporting our President Trump by creating and wearing a wonderful shirt to counter this mayor's blind support of deranged Democrats. Thank God America saved us from crooked Hillary and gave us a President who gives his salary to charitable causes rather than self enriches through the office.

  8. "president Trump is working for ALL the people"

    Oh, please. He's no more working for all Americans than you're writing for all Americans. You're writing for Trumpsters. You don't want to hear from or engage with Democrats. It's the same way with Trump. He could care less about people who disagree with him politically...and it shows.

    Stop being disingenuous, Lynn. You hate 50% America, as do most Red Hats. Be honest about it at least.

  9. @4:57--LOL
    Democrats are so jaded and I honestly think that some of you believe the BS you spew.
    One thing for sure, I don't like YOU and you don't like me.
    So what?

  10. Again, be honest, Lynn. Every day you characterize 50% of America as, in your words, "enemies of the people." Your words. Just page back in your blog entries and especially check out your comments and those of your readers at how they hate Democrats. The derogatory names you attach to them. The way you characterize them.

    And before you claim that Democrats hate all Republicans, that doesn't legitimize YOUR hate. Again, don't pretend that you don't because other people have noticed and said the same thing that I am saying here. It's not BS. It's the truth.

    You're a big talker here. But when it comes to owning what you say, you shrink. Why?

  11. Look, let’s stop attacking me and speak to the subject of the blog.
