Saturday, October 12, 2019

Commission not accountable to Taxpayers?

Lake Worth Beach commissioners spend nearly $9,000 on Hawaii trip

This blog mentioned this on July 8 with a photo of the luxurious resort. Read the comments

Read the Post article

"LAKE WORTH BEACH — Mayor Pam Triolo and Commissioner Andy Amoroso spent six nights at a Hawaiian resort in June to attend a U.S. Conference of Mayors gathering.

The cost of the trip? Nearly $9,000. They traveled just three months before approving a budget that includes $800,000 in payroll cuts, five layoffs and elimination of popular programs such as monthly block parties."

The commission voted a few years ago that they didn't have to have discussion from the dais and approval on their travel...they just didn't think it was the public's right to know.  Now everything they do as far as travel is out of the sunshine. And during their excursion to Hawaii, Omari Hardy attempted a coup of getting an ordinance passed on ADU's.


  1. I was there that night for the Omari thing.

  2. Get rid of them all by voting them out

  3. All professional organizations and corporations seem to have these junkets to far away exotic places these days. I think this is an abuse of the public or stockholder or whoever is ultimately paying for this excess. They could accomplish the same thing by sitting in a conference room for a few days, and all it would cost is the phone bill for conferencing them in. So splurge: go out for dinner.

  4. Rumor has it that Palm Springs and Greenacres knew nothing about this "mayors conference". Time they show the proof of what meetings they actually attended. If any. Will the people of Lake Worth get 9.000 in benefits for this junket?

  5. The best part of the article is when they asked ANDY AMOROSO “ What was the reason for you attending a MAYORS convention” And he refused to answer. This is the garbage we have running our town. Amoroso is a fraud and always refuses to comment on his fishy underhanded misdeeds. Google his video on you tube where he is confronted on taking money from the guy who owns the KAVA store on Lake ave it’s hilarious he runs in a back room away from the news. He is a cancer on our town please people vote him out.

  6. Time for term limits

  7. To the total idiot who just brought up Ryan Hartman again and tried to post--I have addressed this mistake of mine many times in the past. I learned a major lesson...I will only count on myself to vet people. He didn't win. So get over the BS. I do believe in term limits, however.
    So, we're all not perfect like you, anonymous. We can make mistakes in our choices in life but we need to learn from them.

  8. I don't see the Ryan Hartman comment. Where is it?

  9. I read all the time where the governor appoints someone to an appointment for terms.its time we get rid of the politicions and lobbiests in this city.lets stop talking about it and get it willing to walk for the life of the city

  10. You might as well start walking.
